This is my place to share and create recipes, review cookbooks, restaurants, rant, rave and generally vent my culinary spleen for food enthusiasts from Palm Beach County and beyond....
Tip: If you have difficulty finding some of the Asian condiments, try the WholeFoods Market at Downtown at the Gardens; they have a great range.
The superb meat (quality & price) was from a local gourmet market http://josephsclassicmarket.com/
Teabreads are a delightful combination of cake & bread. They're lighter than, say, a pound cake but denser than a traditional bread. The Banana & Walnut is a classic and the perfect complement to a morning coffee or afternoon tea; or if you're me, both!
Recipe IngredientsTrust me: Get a block of fresh Parmigiano Reggiano to keep in the fridge and grate at will. It lasts forever and you can use the rinds to flavor soups & stews. The dried stuff in the plastic tubs should really be outlawed.
Lovely Local Tip: If you're in range of a Publix Supermarket, the boneless ribs are on sale until next Wednesday!
Mashed Potato
Trust me: No matter what quantity of mashed potato you are making, never ever be tempted to use an electric mixer of any description to help you. You will be eating glue.
Beef in Beaujolais
I am neither a wine buff or a wine snob. I can differentiate colors of course and grapes occasionally but amateur sommelier I am NOT. This said, even I know that you don't lay down a beaujolais nouveau 2006! Not so my husband. I was reorganizing our humble rack on Sunday night and came across a dusty bottle of his 'not so nouveau'. I popped the cork, half expecting it to crumble, poured a glass and had a cautious swig. I have to say it had lost very little of its fruity appeal in the aging process, however, erring on the side of caution I repurposed the remaining three quarters of a bottle and a little Beef in Beaujolais was born.
3lbs of lean stewing/braising beef in chunks
1 large onion sliced
4 cloves garlic chopped
1 heaped tablespoon of herbes de provence
a large handful of chopped or baby carrots
3/4 bottle beaujolais
After 4 hours the dish will be reduced, (hence the appearance of my pot) the sauce syrupy and the meat falling apart. This will serve at least 4-6.