Welcome to the Cookbook Cafe!
This is my place to share, experiment and create recipes, review cookbooks, restaurants, rant, rave and generally vent my culinary spleen.
Why the Cookbook Cafe?
I have a vast and growing collection of tasty tomes, ranging from 'Mrs. A.B. Marshall's Cookery Book' published in 1887; 'Ox palates a la Napolitaine' anyone? through to Heston Blumenthal's ambitious 'Search for Perfection'. I have barely scratched the surface of these treasures and am excited to delve deeper into the pages and share the experiences with anyone who cares to tag along.
I won't be blogging from a place of culinary expertise as I am not a trained chef, but from a place of passion and practicality. I promise only to preach what I practice!
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