Friday, August 22, 2008


Yep its only trip two to the supermarket for the week and I just couldn't stick to the NO BOGO rule. In my defence I will say that the items that sucked me in are ones I use, well the shredded wheat at least, the others are brands I'm prepared to try and isn't that the name of the game?! I didn't fall for the salad dressing or the barbecue sauce so there's progress indeed. $75 in Publix, broken down:

  • 2 pieces of brisket $17.00

  • BOGO Shredded wheat $3.89

  • BOGO Prego pasta sauce $2.57

  • BOGO Juicy Juice $3.59

  • Sushi $4.59

  • Rice Vinegar $3.99

  • couple of jars of babyfood $1.29

  • Spring mix salad $5.00

  • Bowtie Pasta $1.39

  • Challah $3.39

  • Canola oil $2.79

  • gourmet magazine $3.99

  • Fruit, Vegetables $6.00

  • Gorgonzola cheese $5.29

What an odd array of ingredients you may rightly note. I actually went to the supermarket for a few things for my daughter's first birthday on Sunday but you know how it BOGO's... We have some family coming over and that's a great excuse for me to cook. I've been scouring my Disney books for fun family style recipes and we're going to have a couple of dishes from the Polynesian Resort as its my nieces & nephew's favorite place and a couple of my own. If you want the best ever Kasha Varnishkes (as rated by my discerning family) then check back in a couple of days.

Things I have learned whilst shopping Part 2

  1. Check your receipt and watch that screen like a hawk. I just noticed I was charged for Bosc pears when I purchased Bartlett. Needless to say the Bosc were more expensive (Grrr).

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